Wednesday, December 23, 2020

48 Dragonquest - Anne McCaffery (and 38 Dragonflight)

 As a teenager, I read every book I could by Anne McCaffrey. Oh to bond a dragon! To have a telepathic connection with a magnificent, flying dragon! It was one of my favorite daydreams.  It's fun to revisit these as an adult.  Anne McCafferey's prose is much more complicated than I remember and she uses words that I often have to look up.  Yikes...I don't remember looking up words as kid... I didn't pick up on much of the innuendo either.  Anyway...  Anne McCaffrey does a wonderful job world building.  This book picks up where Dragonflight left off.   Dragonriders of Pern need to band together with Holders and Crafters as deadly thread fall upon the planet.   Will they be able to overcome their political and cultural differences to save the planet?  Or will they be caught up in petty power struggles and greed?   Will they discover the secrets of their early colonist ancestors? If you don't like sci-fi that deals with the concept of a superior warrior-class, these may bug you.   The treatment of women characters leaves a little to be desired. What happened to Lessa in this book?  In the last book, she was the hero of the world, but she gets pushed to the side as a support role in this one.   Women are useful for helping queen dragons breed more dragons...and managing the domestic side of the Weyrs.  :( I'd love to see women as scientists and crafters....or grand adventurers so this book disappoints in that regard.

These are classics in science fiction and I recommend them.   I give them a 3/5 - worth checking out from the library, but I don't need to own them.  :)

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