Delay, Don't Deny was a fast read with one message: intermittent fasting works. She briefly summarized the science Dr. Jung explains in The Obesity Code. Insulin makes you fat. Sweet things (including stevia and all the fake sugars) make you release insulin. If you have insulin circulating all the time without a break, you get fat. If you reduce calories, but still have insulin circulating all the time...your body thinks we are starving... so your hormones for satiety and hunger GO CRAZY. This is a gross oversimplification of course, but it explains why about 2 weeks into a calorie restriction type diet I find myself shoveling all the food I can reach into my mouth. It's not pretty. I think I may try giving myself an "eating window," and slowly narrow my eating window to one large (as large as I want) meal. Wish me luck!
I'd recommend this book to anyone who has dieted and failed....dieted and failed....dieted and failed. It's simple and quick to read. I probably won't revisit it though so I give it a 3/5.
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