Saturday, May 9, 2020

14. Boundaries for Leaders

I love all the Boundaries books, and this one was no exception.  I will eventually have them all in both my Kindle and my Audible because I'm sure I'll revisit these often.   Dr. Henry Cloud is clinical pathologist and leadership expert.  These are the most empowering books I've ever read.    If I had to summarize this book in 1 sentence it is...

Leaders get what they create and what they allow.

If you are a leader at your work, you are ridiculously in charge.   A good leader provides and protects a workplace environment that enables brains to do their best work.  "In other words, our brains need to be able to:  (a) focus on something specific, (b)not get off track by focusing on or being assaulted by other data inputs or toxicity, and (c) continuously be aware of relevant information at all times."   Attention, inhibition, and working memory define a high productivity brain and leader's primary goal should be nurturing function brains.    "In the same way that the brain cannot work without the executive functions in place, it also cannot work if it is drowning in stress hormones."   From my research on the effects of conflict in the workplace, I read that the average unresolved conflict costs the company 8 hours of labor.   As leaders, we cannot allow toxicity to drown the brains of our workplace.  We need a positive emotional climate!

Every chapter is full of useful tips and advice for leaders.  I can't recommend this book enough!

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